Setup FF from Amber’s Antechamber

This page shows an example of how to setup a FF model via Amber’s Antechamber program and it is assumed you have an Amber program pre-installed in your system.

The General Amber FF (GAFF) is a FF scheme specially designed for organic molecules including small drug molecules. The FF is implemented in DL_FIELD as amber16_gaff. However, what is missing is the partial charge values whcih can be obtained from Amber’s Antechamber program.


Example procedure

Let’s suppose you want to setup a GAFF model for ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in water and the initial input file for the structure is in a PDB format. This file is located in the Examples/ folder in the DL_FIELD package (ascorbic_acid.pdb).

Step 1

The following command can be issued by calling antechamber as follows:

antechamber -if pdb -i ascorbic.pdb -fo mol2 -o ascorbic_acid.mol2 -c bcc

Which instructs the program to read in the pdb file and produce a mol2 output file. The bcc is the charge model being used, which is the abbreviation for AM1-BCC. The charge model was parameterised to reproduce HF/6-31G* RESP charges. These partial charge values are shown at the last column for each atom in the mol2 file (see below)

   20    20     1     0     0

      1 C            0.5320     0.6960     0.5130 c3         1 ***       0.140400
      2 C1           1.1130    -0.7070     0.4630 c3         1 ***       0.102100
      3 H            1.1810     1.3910     1.0910 h1         1 ***       0.065200
      4 O           -0.7190     0.6670     1.1730 oh         1 ***      -0.591800
      5 H1           0.3760     1.1160    -0.5050 h1         1 ***       0.065200
      6 H2           0.9650    -1.2210     1.4420 h1         1 ***       0.064700
      7 O1           0.4260    -1.4590    -0.5120 oh         1 ***      -0.599800
      8 C2           2.5880    -0.7270     0.0980 c3         1 ***       0.148300
      9 O2           3.3640    -0.0400     1.0670 os         1 ***      -0.398900
     10 H3           2.7690    -0.2680    -0.9010 h1         1 ***       0.112700
     11 C3           3.1190    -2.1380     0.1410 c2         1 ***       0.041900
     12 C4           4.2130    -0.9780     1.5850 c          1 ***       0.713800
     13 O3           5.0310    -0.7710     2.4570 o          1 ***      -0.549500
     14 H4          -1.1250     1.5360     1.1300 ho         1 ***       0.414000
     15 H5           0.8040    -2.3420    -0.5630 ho         1 ***       0.423000
     16 O4           4.8120    -3.2890     1.4290 oh         1 ***      -0.472100
     17 C5           4.0860    -2.2150     1.0540 ce         1 ***      -0.111100
     18 O5           2.6680    -3.1720    -0.6010 oh         1 ***      -0.467100
     19 H6           3.1950    -3.9540    -0.3620 ho         1 ***       0.452000
     20 H7           5.3850    -3.0020     2.1610 ho         1 ***       0.447000
     1     1     2 1   
     2     1     3 1   
     3     1     4 1   
     4     1     5 1   

Step 2

Insert the mol2 as the input configuration and run the DL_FIELD control file with the following input options as follows:

Control file, for version 4.11
1        * Construct DL_POLY output files
none       * Seconday output files (gromacs, chemshell, or none). 
amber16_gaff   * Type of force field require (see list below for choices).
kcal/mol    * Energy unit: kcal/mol, kJ/mol, eV, or K.
normal  * Conversion criteria (strict, normal, loose)
1        * Bond type (0=default, 1=harmonic , 2=Morse)
1        * Angle type (0=default, 1=harmonic, 2=harmonic cos)
none  * Include user-defined information. Put 'none' or a .udff filename
1       * Verbosity mode: 1 = on, 0 = off     
ascorbic_acid.mol2  * Configuration file.
none   * Output file in PDB. Put 'none' if not needed.
1  80 molecules  12.0  * Solution Maker: on/off, density, unit, cutoff)
0        * Optimise FIELD output size, if possible? 1=yes  0=no
2         * Atom display: 1 = DL_FIELD format. 2 = Standard format
2         * Vdw display format: 1 = 12-6 format   2 = LJ format
default * Epsilon mixing rule (organic FF only) : default, or 1 = geometric, 2 = arithmatic 
0         * Tether atoms? 1 = Yes (see below)  0 = No
1         * Constrain bonds? 1 = Yes (see below) 0 = No
0         * Apply rigid body? 1 = Yes (see below) 0 = No
1        * Periodic condition ? 0=no, other number = type of box (see below)
80.0   0.0   0.0 * Cell vector a (x, y, z)
0.0   80.0  0.0  * Cell vector b (x, y, z)
0.0   0.0  80.0 * Cell vector c (x, y, z)
default   * 1-4 scaling for coulombic (put default or x for scaling=x)
default   * 1-4 scaling for vdw (put default or x for scaling=x)
0  300.0  * Include velocity? 1=yes, 0=no and scaling temperature.
1         * Position solute at origin? 1 = yes, 0=no 
spc  2.0 default * Solvate model? none or specify solvent (see below) and distance criteria.
0  5.0   * Add counter ions? 1=yes, 0=no,  minimum distance from solute  


Atom state specification:  type  Molecular_Group   filter   [value]

CONSTRAIN not_define h-bond


The highlighted options instructs DL_FIELD to produce FF files for Amber GAFF force field by duplicating 80 ascorbic acid molecules in a cubic system of size 80 Å, and each molecule is separated by at least 12 Å from one another. After that, the system is solvated with the SPC water model. All H-containing bonds are also constrained.


The Molecular Group is called ‘not_define’ because it is not clearly defined in the .mol2 file and DL_FIELD will automatically label the system with a default Molecular Group name as ‘not_define’.

Step 3

Run DL_FIELD to produce a dl_poly.FIELD file. The top portion of the file is shown as follows:

Generated by DL_FIELD v4.11
Units kcal/mol
Molecular types 2
Molecule name not_define
nummols 80
atoms 20
c3          12.01150     0.14040   1   0
c3          12.01150     0.10210   1   0
h1           1.00797     0.06520   1   0
oh          15.99940    -0.59180   1   0
h1           1.00797     0.06520   1   0
h1           1.00797     0.06470   1   0
oh          15.99940    -0.59980   1   0
c3          12.01150     0.14830   1   0
os          15.99940    -0.39890   1   0
h1           1.00797     0.11270   1   0
c2          12.01150     0.04190   1   0
c           12.01150     0.71380   1   0
o           15.99940    -0.54950   1   0
ho           1.00797     0.41400   1   0
ho           1.00797     0.42300   1   0

Notice the ATOM_KEYs and charge values are extracted, as is, from the input mol2 file.

If a force field scheme other than amber16_gaff is used, then the ATOM_KEYs and charge values from the mol2 file will be ignored and a new FF data will be produced. For example, consider CVFF FF scheme is used, then the dl_poly.FIELD produced is shown below:

Generated by DL_FIELD v4.11
Units kcal/mol
Molecular types 2
Molecule name not_define
nummols 80
atoms 20
c2          12.01150    -0.17000   1   0
c1          12.01150    -0.07000   1   0
h            1.00797     0.10000   1   0
oh          15.99940    -0.38000   1   0
h            1.00797     0.10000   1   0
h            1.00797     0.10000   1   0
oh          15.99940    -0.38000   1   0
c1          12.01150     0.15000   1   0
o           15.99940    -0.18000   1   0
h            1.00797     0.10000   1   0
c=          12.01150    -0.07030   1   0
c'          12.01150     0.41000   1   0
o'          15.99940    -0.38000   1   0
ho           1.00797     0.35000   1   0
ho           1.00797     0.35000   1   0
oh          15.99940    -0.37970   1   0

Can you see the difference?