Gromacs example output

This page provide an example of FF conversion for Gromacs.


Conversion of organic molecules

Consider a molecular system consists of phenylalanine enclosed in a \(\beta\)-cyclodextrin (structure shown below) and solvates the whole system with ethanol in a cubic box of size 80 Å. All H-containing bonds are also constrained.


The corresponding confirguration file (in xyz format) is shown below. The molecular system is separated into two Molecular Groups: CYC refers the cyclodextrin cage and PHE for the organic molecule enclosed within the cage.

Cyclodextrin with PHE.
C  -6.049000  0.945000  0.569000
C  -6.341000  2.134000  -0.313000
C  -5.113000  3.000000  -0.453000
C  -4.574000  3.388000  0.915000
C  -4.429000  2.153000  1.811000
C  -4.114000  2.550000  3.250000
C  -4.381000  -3.897000  -0.680000
C  -5.277000  -3.152000  -1.645000
C  -5.119000  -1.651000  -1.519000
C  -5.285000  -1.237000  -0.064000
H  -2.830000  6.347000  -2.095000
H  0.359000  5.982000  -1.647000
H  0.509000  6.438000  4.356000
C  -0.830000  0.683000  2.322000
C  -0.114000  -0.185000  3.052000
C  0.873000  -0.882000  2.472000

To carry out this conversion, below highlights the relevant options in a DL_FIELD control file.

DL_FIELD control file for cyclodextrin-phe.
1        * Construct DL_POLY output files
gromacs        * Seconday output files (gromacs, chemshell or none).
opls2005  * Type of force field require (see list below for choices).
kcal/mol  * Energy unit: kcal/mol, kJ/mol, eV, or K.
normal  * Conversion criteria (strict, normal, loose)
1        * Bond type (0=default, 1=harmonic , 2=Morse)
1        * Angle type (0=default, 1=harmonic, 2=harmonic cos)
none   * Include user-defined information. Put 'none' or a .udff filename
1       * Verbosity mode: 1 = on, 0 = off   * Configuration file.
none   * Output file in PDB. Put 'none' if not needed.
0 40 molecules  9.0 * Solution Maker: on/off, density, unit, cutoff)
1         * Constrain bonds? 1 = Yes (see below) 0 = No
1        * Periodic condition ? 0=no, other number = type of box (see below)
80.0   0.0   0.0 * Cell vector a (x, y, z)
0.0   80.0  0.0  * Cell vector b (x, y, z)
0.0   0.0  80.0 * Cell vector c (x, y, z)
default   * 1-4 scaling for coulombic (put default or x for scaling=x)
default   * 1-4 scaling for vdw (put default or x for scaling=x)
0  300.0  * Include velocity? 1=yes, 0=no and scaling temperature.
1         * Position solute at origin? 1 = yes, 0=no
etoh  2.0 default * Solvate model? none or specify solvent (see below) and distance criteria.
Atom state specification:  type  Molecular_Group   filter   [value]

CONSTRAIN  PHE    h-bond
CONSTRAIN  CYC    h-bond


After conversion, DL_FIELD will produce three itp files, one for each Molecular Group: one for CYC, one for PHE and the other for ethanol solvent (ETOH). They are all included in the as follows:

; Gromacs system topology (top) file.
; Produced from DL_FIELD v4.11

[ defaults ]
; nbfunc   comb-rule   gen-pairs   fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
1       1           no          0.500000      0.500000

[ atomtypes ]
; atom_type  at.num   mass   charge   ptype   c6   c12
CAO          6  12.01150     0.000   A  2.030504e-03  3.732606e-06
CT           6  12.01150     0.000   A  2.030504e-03  3.732606e-06
OAL          8  15.99940     0.000   A  2.624389e-03  2.420782e-06
OAS          8  15.99940     0.000   A  1.393695e-03  8.290022e-07
OS           8  15.99940     0.000   A  1.393695e-03  8.290022e-07
HC           1   1.00797     0.000   A  1.225781e-04  2.992630e-08
HO           1   1.00797     0.000   A  7.845000e-09  1.225781e-16
CA           6  12.01150     0.000   A  2.344876e-03  4.693426e-06
HA           1   1.00797     0.000   A  1.008475e-04  2.025617e-08
CT1          6  12.01150     0.000   A  2.030504e-03  3.732606e-06
C            6  12.01150     0.000   A  4.886845e-03  1.358990e-05
NT           7  14.00670     0.000   A  3.674381e-03  4.745346e-06
O            8  15.99940     0.000   A  2.363857e-03  1.589906e-06
OH           8  15.99940     0.000   A  2.074092e-03  1.512013e-06
H            1   1.00797     0.000   A  7.845000e-09  1.225781e-16

#include "gromacs1.itp"
#include "gromacs2.itp"
#include "gromacs3.itp"

[ system ]
; Title
Control file, for version 4.11

; System composition
[ molecules ]
; Molecular_group   species #
CYC      1
PHE      1
ETOH      5212

The file shows an additional 5212 ethanol molecules have been added as solvent in the system.