Bond connectivityΒΆ

In DL_FIELD, there are three different types of bond connections can be defined in the MOLECULE templates. This is defined as follows:

  1. Normal CONNECT.

    This type of connection is commmonly encountered in covalent molecules, which means a physical or covalent bond is established between two ATOMs. DL_FIELD will use this information to setup relevant bond, angle and dihedral interactions within the MOLECULE.

  2. self-CONNECT.

    With this type of connection, DL_FIELD assumes the ATOM is an isolated species that does not form bond with other ATOMs.

    For organic FF, self-CONNECT statements are seldom used except for pseudo points and shell part of a polarisable atom. The self-CONNECT is most commonly found in inorganic FF since ionic materials are usually interacted via non-bonded electrostatic interactions.

    Example below shows the use of self-CONNECT statements, for silicalite.

    MOLECULE silicalite4 2 2.0                zeolite silicalite.
    Si4   Si4+#4_zeolite_silicalite4  4.0     rigid ion versions
    O4    O2-#2_zeolite_silicalite4  -2.0
    CONNECT Si4 > Si4
    CONNECT O4  > O4
    THREE-BODY O4 Si4 O4
  3. auto-CONNECT.

    This type of connection instructs DL_FIELD to determine the bond connections automatically and assign all the interactions accordingly. The general syntax is as follows:

    CONNECT ATOM_KEY > number_of_neighbours AUTO

    Similar to the self-CONNECT type, ATOM_KEYs must be used in the PDB file, instead of element symbols or any arbitrary labels. The number_of_neighbours indicates the number of bonds that are expected to connect to the ATOM. DL_FIELD will flag up an error if this number is not matched. Alternatively, the symbol * can be used to represent an unknown or variable number of neighbours.


Example below shows the use of auto-CONNECT features. The MOLECULE template can be found in alcohol.udff file in the Examples/ folder.

aliphatic_alcohol     ROH      42.038    Alcohol

MOLECULE aliphatic_alcohol 6 -0.22       Any aliphatic alcohol, except methanol
CT3  Cp_alkane      -0.27
CT2  Cs_alkane       0.05       H1 H1    H1
CT1  Ct_alkane       0.14       |  |     |
HA   HC_alkane       0.09    H1-C3-C2-...C2-OH-HO
OH1  O_alcohol      -0.66       |  |     |
H    HO_alcohol      0.43       H1 H1    H1
CONNECT CT3 > 4 auto
CONNECT CT2 > 4 auto
CONNECT CT1 > 4 auto
CONNECT HA  > 1 auto
CONNECT OH1 > 2 auto
CONNECT H   > 1 auto

Note that this MOLECULE template can be used to map all types of aliphatic alcohols (primary, secondary and tertiary). Unlike the MOLECULEs that use the normal CONNECT type, DL_FIELD permits the use of a subset number of ATOMs within the MOLECULEs with the auto-CONNECT type.

Example below shows a PDB file contains two alcohols: ethanol and 2-propanol (from alcohols.pdb in the Examples/ folder):

REMARK   For CHARMM22_prot force field only.
REMARK   Must use in conjunction with the alcohol.udff file.
COMPND   ethanol and 2-propanol
ATOM      1  CT3  ROH    1       7.995   0.329  -0.000                 GRP1  C
ATOM      2  HA   ROH    1       8.844  -0.392   0.000                 GRP1  H
ATOM      4  HA   ROH    1       8.096   0.976   0.901                 GRP1  H
ATOM      6  HA   ROH    1       6.544  -1.038   0.907                 GRP1  H
ATOM      7  HA   ROH    1       6.543  -1.039  -0.907                 GRP1  H
ATOM      3  HA   ROH    1       8.096   0.975  -0.902                 GRP1  H
ATOM      8  H    ROH    1       4.765   0.073   0.000                 GRP1  H
ATOM      9  OH1  ROH    1       5.606   0.538  -0.000                 GRP1  O
ATOM      5  CT2  ROH    1       6.660  -0.404   0.000                 GRP1  C
HETATM    1  CT3  ROH    2      -0.645   0.456  -0.012                 GRP1  C
HETATM    2  CT1  ROH    2       0.621  -0.395   0.006                 GRP1  C
HETATM    3  CT3  ROH    2       1.724   0.239   0.849                 GRP1  C
HETATM    4  HA   ROH    2       0.986  -0.558  -1.036                 GRP1  H
HETATM    5  HA   ROH    2      -0.441   1.467  -0.433                 GRP1  H
HETATM    6  HA   ROH    2      -1.054   0.588   1.016                 GRP1  H
HETATM    7  HA   ROH    2      -1.438  -0.017  -0.636                 GRP1  H
HETATM    8  HA   ROH    2       2.632  -0.407   0.871                 GRP1  H
HETATM    9  HA   ROH    2       1.388   0.392   1.899                 GRP1  H
HETATM   10  HA   ROH    2       2.021   1.229   0.436                 GRP1  H
HETATM   11  H    ROH    2       1.083  -2.236   0.451                 GRP1  H
HETATM   12  OH1  ROH    2       0.315  -1.665   0.532                 GRP1  O

Note that the alcohols are split into two residue sequences (1 and 2). It is enitrely valid if they are merged into one and the atomic sequences can also be mixed with one another. In addition, the third data column shows the use of ATOM_KEYs (such as HA, CT3, etc.), which in this case, is specific to CHARMM22 FF.