Ethanoic AcidΒΆ

This is an ethanoic acid molecule structure expressed in the mol2 format. To extract this structure, copy and paste into a new file that ends with the .mol2 extension.

# Mol2 file generated by Materials Studio
"Sketch 1"
8 7 0 0 0 

1 C -1.78117 0.275305 0.284335 C.3 0 **** 0
2 C -1.09347 0.556234 1.63341 C.2 0 **** 0
3 O -1.41304 1.82081 2.39444 O.co2 0 **** 0
4 O -0.0370616 -0.389677 2.15247 O.co2 0 **** 0
5 H 0.0215376 -0.312594 3.25837 H 0 **** 0
6 H -1.8434 1.24099 -0.316571 H 0 **** 0
7 H -2.83143 -0.127017 0.466147 H 0 **** 0
8 H -1.17388 -0.494668 -0.297823 H 0 **** 0
1 1 2 1
2 2 3 2
3 2 4 1
4 4 5 1
5 1 6 1
6 1 7 1
7 1 8 1